Take your career to the next level with ISB’s MBA!

For years, an MBA has been a fast track to employability, with an associated boost in earnings. The MBA in the International School of Business (ISB) of theNorth American Private University based in Sfax is two-year program with diversified courses both innovative and interactive. ISB is accredited by the ministry of higher education and Scientific Research of Tunisia. ISB adopts the North American system and learning approach by employing practical applications, case method courses, field projects, and solutions to business problems. In addition, the system put in place is at the service of participants’ highest career aspirations, with, in particular, personalized tutoring centered on each participant's project and with the interference of international visiting professors and prominent speakers in several international universities and conferences.
Participants, from different profiles and regardless of where they live, can subscribe to ISB’s MBA program without putting their career on hold considering the evening schedule and weekends, which is ideal for professionals to take insights from class and apply them at work, the very next day!
In addition, the effective international partnerships of ISB with leading universities in North America (California, New York) and Europe (Paris, Genève, Luxembourg, etc.)enables MBA participants to enroll in mobility program in order to access additional expertise, gain new perspectives and build relationships with others in the field, which can be key to career development.
Approved by graduated participants, ISB’s MBA allows the development of a dynamic network in different fields and a great opportunity for a career change and thriving business opportunities. Indeed, the ISB’s MBA program helps participants sharpen their skills and acquire more knowledge by virtue of:
• Exclusive international partnership between ISB and leading universities.
• Timing Flexibility
• Outdoor sessions
• Seminars and Workshops
• International visiting professors.
• Keynote speakers.
Hear from ISB’s students and alumni on how ISB’s MBA has helped them find success by visiting ISB website (www.isb.ens.tn), Facebook page and our Blog.
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